Game Day FAQ

Yes. You can access the free public transport to and from the venue using either your member card or ticket. You can plan your journey on game-day using the 'journey planner' on the Translink website or view the direct shuttle busses and extra train services running on Cbus Super Stadium’s website.

There are full-strength beer options and member-only food at the Members’ Bar (located in the North-West corner of the stadium). This area is also where there will be pre-match and half-time food, as well as pre-game player appearances and half-time prize-draws! At the food and beverage outlets there aren't any discounts for members as the stadium catering company control the food/beverage prices – however, if you come to the Members’ Bar you will be sure to have a wonderful time before the game and at half-time.

Yes. You can organise your tickets ahead of time (during the week of the game) by calling the Membership team on (07) 5656 5656. We can see what seats are available around you and organise additional tickets around your seat(s). Alternatively, you can purchase online (use your member number to get a 15% discount on your tickets).

If you are unable to arrange the tickets beforehand you can come to the member ticketing window at Gate D and you can purchase your tickets prior to kick-off. Please however note that on game day, the ability to purchase additional seats near existing member seats or to move seats may be limited. It is therefore recommended that to such requests are made prior to game day via phone or email, if possible.

If someone is sitting in your seat when you arrive at the stadium, please contact the nearest usher as it is their job to direct people to their correct seats and move them on if they are in the incorrect seats. You are the sole owner of your seat as a member (whether you are a Full Season or Reduced Access member) so please ensure you contact the nearest usher if you are uncomfortable speaking to the patron yourself.

Please note if you are seated in a 'General Admission' (GA) section you do not get allocated a designated seat in that section. If you are a General Admission or Frontline (Full Season), Ticket Pack or Basic member you will be allocated a seat in a GA section. The earlier you turn-up to the game, the more choices you will have with regards to where you want to sit. If your whole group leaves your seats at half-time, you may have to select different seats upon your return.

If you have any further questions in relation to General Admission seating, please contact the Membership team to confirm any questions that you have.

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